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A 4-player map containing a convoy of Nuke Trucks that wraps around every base and expansion. If one is triggered, it will trigger most or all of them to explode. Players must decide whether or not to begin the chain reaction, because it will effect each and every player. Buildings at the edge of each player's base are in danger of being destroyed should the chain reaction begin. Even careful players will be affected, because the Nuke Trucks are placed in such a way that they can destroy every Oil Derrick on the map. So weigh your options and be careful with your choice of weaponry! This map is intended to add a twist to the average gameplay.
File Size: 64.2 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 4
Author: ZergSwarms   

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This map was a crazy idea of pure evil. You have to survive over 70 mines on this map and you only have 2 units, 1 Technical and 1 Paladin tank to take out the mines. You also have a free lotus for 55 secs but she’s evil. Nukes fire on her and if you let lotus live after 60 secs 50 nukes blow up in your base. Also if you leave your base by lotus she blows up your base and there's a real evil boss on the map if you kill evil boss well you don't want to know.

Reviewer Notes: Great Multi-Player only map with cool intro movie!
File Size: 66.7 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 4
Author: E-3   

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Art of Defense version of the popular desert type map "Iraqhistan". Protect the village in the middle. Very detailed map with advanced scripting, sounds, intro and outro sequences and three different difficulty levels.
File Size: 144.4 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: Kampy*   

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Terrorists have stopped a rocket transport on its way to the american airbase. You either start at the train carrying the rocket or inside the airbase. In the middle of the map there is a city with some industrial parts. Both players have a big supply pile in in their bases. Oil derricks and additional supplies can be found inside the city parts.

Reviewer Notes: This map is not setup for Skirmish but still plays in that mode. It's tight yet fun to play!
File Size: 77.2 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: Kampy*   

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An 8 player map in plateau desert. It has derricks in one position and refinery. There are Supply docks on corners of the map
File Size: 262.9 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 8
Author: jcantanero   

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A 3 player map set on mild climate. Each player starts with oil derricks. Supply piles are scattered across the map.
File Size: 276.2 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 3
Author: jcantanero   

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A 2 player map set on icy shore lines. It has great number of supplies and tech buildings. The west side is the coastline docks.
File Size: 184.1 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: jcantanero   

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This is a 2 player map where both bases sit in an old river. It has villages in both sides with some tech structures and small supply piles
File Size: 212.8 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: jcantanero   

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A 4 player map with a desert war zone in the center. This map must be played in teams. It has tech buildings in both sides for more resources, the war zone completes the battle of the players
File Size: 208.4 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 4
Author: jcantanero   

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Dark Fortress Plays Three Ways:
AOD ~ Art of defense style map featuring a Fortress Player scripted for all factions.
Human Fortress Player ~ Human plays against four players and receives all fortress buildings.
Skirmish ~ Play as a four-player skirmish map with many tech buildings to capture in the center.

AOD Style:
Do you like playing AOD type maps playing against impossible odds?
Would you like to pick the faction and the speed of the AOD player?
Would you like to play an AOD type map with the help of human or AI players?

Unlike most AOD maps, which are scripted for one faction (usually GLA) and made for only human players, Dark Fortress uses unique scripting allowing you to pick the faction and speed of the AOD attack. Each faction plays the fortress position a little different both in timing of attacks and the units they use. That keeps things interesting. The Fortress is designed to take out Four AI players on hard setting. Instead of huge waves sweeping over the map, the Fortress player's strength will start small and continue to grow until it wipes you off the map… or at least that's what the Fortress player thinks. He writes the following warning to you.

“As the ruler of the Dark Fortress, I demanded that all people leave MY land and will wipe out all those who oppose me. Any attempt to use Super Weapons will be dealt with in kind and retaliation for using Generals Attacks will also not be pretty. You China players can make your upgrades at the Propaganda Center but whatever you do, you’d better move fast as I will only get stronger with time."

So... Will you be the one to stop the fortress?

Human Fortress Player
A Human player in the fortress position receives all fortress buildings for the faction they're playing at the beginning of the game. This would include the Tech building for their faction, eight Barracks, four War and Air factories if applicable and over sixty Turrets and Artillery platforms. This player does not get scripted teams or Avenger Enhanced Turrets like the AOD Fortress player but Super Weapon countermeasures are still in place.

Skirmish Style
Keeping the center position open activates a different set of scripts making it more of a king of the hill type map. The player who controls the center section of the map will have many advantages. Buildings up from grabs include four Oil Derricks, four Reinforcement Pads, four Boss War Factories, twenty Artillery Platforms and an Oil Refinery. With bridge-only access, many buildable areas and four Supply Docks to keep you going, this area is a great place to make a stand against stronger players.

Player Relationships
Player relationships between the fortress position and the other four positions are scripted to be enemies. This is true in both AOD and Human player modes. The relationships of the other four positions are not scripted so if you want to play 2 vs 2 vs The Fortress you can. I recommend you set all players to be on your team when starting out and the scripting will take care of the rest.

Many months of scripting went into this map. Hope you enjoy it.

This revision removes the scripts that told idol workers to gather supplies, which was causing problems for GLA players.
File Size: 808.1 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 5
Author: Drummin   

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