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For years, residents of this sleepy village have rest under the gentle groaning of the International Bridge of Peace; A symbol of two nations coming together. But that was then... Now there is a new sound in the air, a sound that has no meaning to peace.

This 2 Vs 3 map is set for online or skirmish play and features a huge suspension bridge linking two massive rock structures as well as a land bridge and two smaller bridges on the ends. There are a few tech buildings to capture and lots of room to build and launch your offensive. Will your nation prevail? We'll see.
File Size: 220.9 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 5
Author: mrkevin   

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My Latest creation, "Stuck in the middle with you" brings new excitement to the classic four-player map. This well-made symmetrical map has plenty of tech buildings strategically placed around the map and a center choke point that’s sure to become the heart of a good battle. Bases are placed high in the corners with a single entrance to see the action unfolding below. Made for Skirmish or Multi-player this map is sure to please. Have Fun!
File Size: 54.8 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 4
Author: tom   

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This map is designed for multiplayer or skirmish. I think its better suited for head to head multiplayer, due to the map layout AI play is pretty predictable. It is based on the Rivalry between the Hatfield and McCoy clans in Kentucky and W. Virginia. The feud might have legally ended in the early 1800's, but tempers have been simmering through time. Just like the beginning of the original feud, this one was started over land boundaries. The two clans have been slowly moving down off the mountain over the years and mixing properties, now its time to bring this rivalry into the 21st century! You a Hatfield or a McCoy? Choose wisely, we don't take to well to strangers 'round here...
File Size: 144.3 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: Verbal   

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On this map, players start off on either side of a scenic mountain range and race for "The Stronghold", a fortified area across the river on the other end of the map. A narrow bridge leads you to the center island and through the outer fortress walls to find two castles perched high on the hill that are protected by a lot of Artillery platforms. Bridges from this center castle hill will then take you to two side islands with 8 Oil Derricks, two Repair Bays and 1 Reinforcement Pad. So the way to capture "The Stronghold" is pretty intriguing.
File Size: 235.8 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: vlado32   

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This map takes place in a peaceful Asian village, caught behind the ever moving frontlines. Please try not to destroy the sacred temples and shrines as you lay waste to the enemy! It's a 2-player map that can be used verse AI or an opponent. I think it's well balanced. It has 2 extra supply docks and some oil derricks, along with some UN crates around. The bridges give it a few easily defend able bottlenecks, with artillery platform reinforcement.
File Size: 135 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: Verbal   

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This is one of my first maps. I designed it for online multiplayer or vs. computer AI. The setting is the aftermath of a GLA vs. U.S. battle that has taken place inside of an archaeological dig site. All 4 bases are set high on cliffs with access ramps leading to them. I added a lot of Destroyed vehicles, indigenous people, and desert sounds to make it realistic. Each base has 3 entrances for AI. Extra supplies and a few oil derricks are spread around. Enjoy!
File Size: 173.5 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 4
Author: verbal   

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These are maps I made in my latest map line, The World at War. This contains all the maps of The World at War Line including Petra Flash Floods in Jordan, The Dragon’s awakening in China and the Kenyan River Pass in Kenya.

Petra Flash Floods
This map is located in Petra, Jordan, Middle East. Featuring a large Flash Flood Canyon dating back to 5000BC and inhabited by an ancient Civilization (True, I’ve been there several months ago). This map has a large spaced out layout and a canyon area for an intense fight. With high supply sources such as even numbers of Oil Derricks and Supply Depots between the four players, this map will be a strongly based Bite Fight.

The Dragon’s Awakening
This map is located in Xian, China. The map shows a storyline before the Chinese victory in ZH, having several small islands between the players; this map makes a large spaced map with high supply numbers. 60% of the map used to be an old oil draining area but was later abandoned after the GLA came into China’s Borders. This map only has one defend and attack route such as Forgotten lands of Demise, so plan well.

Kenyan River Pass
Kenyan River Pass is Located in north-western Kenya. It features 2 long bridges and a land bridge connecting from the inlands together, a definite choice for people who like ‘Battle on Bridges’ kind of maps, it also has two large base areas and a small town to the west making all the civilians there utterly doomed. It also has several Supply Derricks around certain areas of the map so be on the lookout for supplies. This map encourages players to fortify the entry of the bridges to their island making a hard entrance for the Opponent.
File Size: 829.7 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: Turret Wars Line   

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My vision for Attack From Island was to have a small tech island sitting off the coast of the mainland whose main features were red cliffs and a lush meadow lined with trees. The high plateau above the meadow is ideally suited for placing artillery weapons for pounding invading forces. A long narrow bridge connects the mainland to the island so bases are easily defendable. A few oil derricks on the island give this player a slight money advantage.
File Size: 126.9 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: vlado32   

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My second map, Rush For Ice Castle gives you two very distinct player positions. The first player located on the glacier floor is in a more venerable position. With his supplies located at the front of his base and the wide-open area, he’ll need to stay sharp to keep his base secure. He does have the advantage of having 9 Oil Derricks so money’s not a problem. The second player, located on top of the glacier has only 3 Oil Derricks but he has a huge array of Artillery Platforms to be captured. Plus, with easily defendable base entry points, he has the clear advantage for base defense.
File Size: 72.3 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: vlado32   

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This map was originally General's 3rd Chinese mission but is later converted into a skirmish version for ZH. This map features a desolated and ruined battlefield bringing you flashbacks dating back to Generals. Showing several destroyed areas due to hard battles from the Chinese and the GLA though it still shows supply sources that are still mannable. Featuring several oil depots, and several battle locations such as the Dam, the town and the now draining upper reservoir due to the Dam's destruction previously by the Chinese Forces. This is definitely a choice for people who like the World War II, Vietnamese War & Cold War look.
File Size: 282.6 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: Turret Wars Line   

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