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Tunguska is a real place in Russia that was hit by a massive meteorite in 1908 (supposedly).

The winter map features a lake in the middle of the map with an island, containing 2 oil derricks and 3 $2500 crates.

There are also 2 mountain ranges on the North and South sides, and lakes on the East and West sides. These create the player area borders.

Each player has 1 oil derrick hidden right beside the mountain ranges (for a total of 6 oil derricks).

Good luck Generals.
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Happy Holidays!

File Size: 199.4 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 4
Author: SUPER-G   

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Homeland Combat is a very large and detailed designed map with lots of buildings, oil derricks, artillery platforms and reinforcement pads. A lovely city with a historic old town placed in center of the map is surrounded by industrial and agricultural areas.

Originally designed for 6 players, I had to reduce this to 4 in order to ensure a fast and fluent gameplay.
File Size: 473 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 4
Author: GB   

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It's a battle in some suburbs. Lots of Tech buildings,
lots of space to build, and several entrances. The AI is quite functional.

-- Game
File Size: 176.8 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: Gameanater   

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General, our campaign against the enemy has been swift and they are almost defeated. Before our final assault on their capital, Erbil Iraq, we need you and your ally General to build a base and secure the area around the mount-...

beep beep...beep be.

*picks up phone

Yes...yes sir...oh, i see...thank you central command

*Looks towards camera

Our satellites have detected that the enemy has built a command center on the road to Erbil, right in the way of our main attack force. You must stop them quickly from building a base strong enough to repel our attack. The outcome of this war is in your hands General.

Good luck.


Race for Erbil is a 4 player, 2v2 skirmish map. It features a desert landscape, 2 mountains dividing the area between the player 1-2 and 3-4 areas.

It is best played with an ally at your side, and is built for it.

On the north and south sides, there is a supply depot worth $100,000 for you and your ally to share. Though there are no oil derricks or refineries.

An artillery platform waits in the very middle of the map for the 1st player to capture it. Capturing this and then defending it is a great way to grab some extra building space.
File Size: 150.2 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 4
Author: SUPER-G   

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The marvelous winter landscape of this map is characterized by its wide plains, lakes and forests and small hills and its isolated farmhouses and tiny villages.

A unique fighting position is placed at the center of the map and which is equipped with additional resources and artillery platforms. Best conditions to defend this position against up to 6 attackers.
File Size: 653.9 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 7
Author: GB   

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***Battleground Zero***

Battleground Zero is an AI capable desert-based 4-player map which is meant to be played 2vs2. It's a very spacious
map with balanced money and base-distances. Each base contains 1 supply dock and have 4 entrances. In the center
there's a medium-sized town containing more funds and also 1 oil refinery and 1 reinforcements pad.
2 oil derricks are also located between each base and the town. Works great in both single- and multiplayer.

***Author: VTULCobra***

***Note the .zip file's name is "Saocristovao", but when extracted it will be Battleground Zero v7***
File Size: 245.6 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 4
Author: digokuest   

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Art of attack is a new style of aod, now you no longer you have to kill endless lines of units that do nothing & you dont spam defence.
You and your teammates are the attacking party. If you fail to rush up, you will die by the water wave. You can rush as fast as you want.
There are two versions of art of attack, version v2, which has many super units on guard mode they won't attack you when you don't attack the super units. But only 1 hit and they are coming for you, you also have more time to rush up. Its all, just not too hard.
The less super units version, as the name says, it has less super units, but its harder. You have less time to rush up. More normal units to kill and all the super units which are normal now, became very aggressive, they will attack you when you dare to be too close to them or attack them.
File Size: 293.2 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 4
Author: E-3   

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Panic has come this city. War is coming and the civilians are fleeing. Time is running out, in addition to the police & firefighters who are still fighting to keep the city under control.

This is my first 2v2 map. Enjoy ;)
File Size: 76.3 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 4
Author: Heavy Jackass   

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Urban Warfare is a detailed designed map. The Asian city with its many buildings, streets and green areas is placed in the
middle of the map and is surrounded by industrial areas and grassland.
File Size: 198 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 4
Author: GB   

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Discover this mysteries island which was the favorite refuge of pirates. It is a nature paradise with a maze of lagoons, beautiful beaches and small villages.

File Size: 453.1 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 4
Author: GB   

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