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The players are located in a territory of the Middle East, which is segmented in three levels. The players will start on the middle level. The lowest level is situated in the middle of the map. The middle level is surrounded by the higher level, which is located on the edge of the map. On the far edge of the higher level is rail route.

Every player will begin the game with two supply docks containing $40000. Additionally there are $30000 in each corner and four supply piles are located along each side of the map.

Furthermore the map contains a sea with an island in the middle. On that island the host is able to configure the rules of the match, such as super weapons, en-/disable aurora, en-/disable trading. In case trading is enabled a small peninsula will appear, on which the players are allowed to exchange money. Also keep in mind that while the peninsula is connected with the mainland through the game, the first island will disappear after 30 seconds to prevent the USA from fortifying it, since the GLA will be unable to reach it.

* Dimensions: 360 x 450
* 1763 Objects
* 1 Train
* 8 Oil Derricks
* 12 Supply Docks (8x $30000, 4x $20000)
* 16 Supply Piles (each $3750)

Additional Features:
* higher camera
* elapsed time is shown
* adjustable rules: Allow Aurora, Super Weapons or Trade
* Scud-Bug FIX, Tunnel-Bug FIX, Anti Drop-Zone-Bug System, Anti Shadow-Fly System

Have Fun! Feed Back is welcome!

Note: Version 1.1 fixes the Object Creation Lists, which hopefully fixes any mismatches. If you experience any problems, restart the game before playing another map.
File Size: 328.8 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 4
Author: good_weather   

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Two player map with four Oil Derricks and a Refinery. It has a town down in the valley, forests and a destroyed city but mostly open flatlands above. Also has moderate city detailing.
File Size: 79.7 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: lgbtrainkid   

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Four player map with four Oil Derricks and a Refinery. It has a railroad going around each base. Make sure not to leave or build any thing on the tracks! I have tested this map and the AI doesn't usually build stuff on the tracks.

It has Roads, bridges, forests, fields, cars, and towns, all with moderate to high detailing.
File Size: 145.2 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 4
Author: lgbtrainkid   

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This is a very detailed AoD map with a pretty complex map layout.

It features 10 waves of special units that you need to kill before they reach the end of the road. Each difficulty level of the both will affect the amount of units spawned on the map, so be sure not to start with brutal when you are not experience with AoD's!

Each player has a supply stash, a hospital, a refinery, and 3 oils. Particle Uplink Cannons are the only build able SW, and can be created by all factions.
File Size: 55.7 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 4
Author: [RTS]BN+VS*   

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Tag Map

Each player starts with 3 GLA buggies and 1 Jarmen Kell. Like on AOD maps, waves of enemy units will be spammed onto the map. Your goal is to survive and destroy each wave with your buggies. When you lose a buggy, it won't be replaced, so be very careful with them!

To set the map difficulty, set the USA both to either normal, hard or brutal. Hard will feature a bigger challenge the normal, and brutal will be more difficult then hard.

Note that bots (as ally) will not play and be inactive. When such a bot is on the map, you also won't lose when all your units have been destroyed, like is the case with all human players. Also note that the human players need to be in the first 4 slots of the game, if they aren’t, they won't get their buggies!

Some tips:
* When playing on hard or brutal, air strikes will be spawned onto the map at random intervals - as soon as you see the warning, make sure your buggies are moving (else there is a good chance they will be wiped out by the aurora's).
* Be very careful not to loose your Jarmen. You can use him to snipe infantry (esp. on brutal - wave 3), and to snipe other units and then capture them with infantry (ambush or para drop).
* If you want to take a break, put your units at the top of the map, unless drawing attention, they won't be attacked. Be sure to help your team players out though!
* Don't forget to upgrade your buggy ammo at your black market!!
File Size: 95.1 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 4
Author: [RTS]BN+VS*   

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Tag Map

Each player starts with 3 GLA buggies and 1 Jermen Kell. Like on AoD maps, waves of enemy units will be spammed onto the map. Your goal is to survive and destroy each wave with your buggies. When you lose a buggy, it won't be replaced, so be very careful with them! You can change the difficulty by setting the bot to normal, hard or brutal. Check the readme file for more info.
File Size: 93.4 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 4
Author: [RTS]BN+VS*   

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A totally new concept - random tidal effects - on a very detailed and well balanced map. Enjoy the amazing detailed terrain and create new strategies that use the tides to your advantage!

On top of the normal version the following ones are also available: No SW, Limited (3bm,3dz,6hack) and No Money.

Reviewer note: This map is not setup for skirmish, but AI does play well on the map.
File Size: 204.8 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 4
Author: [RTS]BN+VS*   

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AoD map with "don't let them reach the end line" principal. You need to kill the bot before it reaches the end of the road. The attacks consist of 20 waves and 2 bosses at the end. Set the bot to Normal if you'r new to AoD, to Hard if you'r experienced with it, or Brutal if you've beaten the Hard one.

Reviewer Note: Original author unknown. Not a highly detailed map but fast and fun to play.
File Size: 21.6 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 4
Author: [RTS]BN+VS*   

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Tag Map

The players start in opposite corners. The Map is separated in six little areas (2x farm land, 2x town, 2x player base), which are split by rivers and mountains.

6x Oil Derricks
2x Oil Refineries
2x Hospitals
4x Supply Docks (2x $30000, 2x $20000)
12x Supply Piles (each $3750)

Some additional Features were implemented:
* Higher camera
* Count up (e.g. for a no rush agreement)
* Buildings without exit running parallel to map boundaries
* No super weapons (nuclear upgrades available in Propaganda Center)

This is my first map ;)
Have Fun! Feed Back is welcome!
File Size: 616.5 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: good_weather   

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Prepare to be crushed by Dirt's Destruction Derby! The battle heats up as eight players converge at the center choke point making for an intense fight. Those who survive will have to face a wall of bunkers before dealing with the enemies base defenses. Divided by water this eight-player money map will keep you on your toes as you square off against four opponents. With a 4 x 4, top vs. bottom setup, this map is ideal for multiplayer matches. Plenty of tech buildings and supplies should keep you going for hours. Enjoy!
File Size: 61.1 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 8
Author: josephbrey4   

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Tag Map