Downloads » C&C Generals » Zero Hour Maps » Mountain Passes

Mountain Passes
Type of Map: Skirmish
From the Author: Square four player map, divided by eroded ground in between. The map is vertically orientated, with the flanking paths going directly from top bases to bottom bases. The centre path runs diagonally from the centre In the eroded areas there are islands of accessible ground where I put tech buildings. This is also where the back way into each base is. There are two arabic towns in this map, each with a hospital. One of the towns also has two extra resource piles. I tried to make this map as lush and green as I could and used textures to do so. I am fairly happy with the result and I hope you enjoy it as well
File Size: 353.3 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 4
Author: Nerephast   

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